School of Film & Theatre


What SFT Do

MIT SFT is one of the few UGC recognized institutions for training in Filmmaking and Theatre Arts in India offering B.Sc. / M.Sc. degrees in Filmmaking and B.A. and Ph.D in Dramatics.

Unique Syllabus

We envisage a position for Indian films and theatre practitioners, where they will be considered as the benchmark of quality in cinema and theatre across the globe.

What SFT Students achieved?

Our student Film ‘PARIAH’ has received the National Award (2022) and our student film DIVINE CANOPY and KOYTA received the NCERT award for the best films, through which MIT School of Film and Theatre has now marked its path on the global platform.

Department Idology

The Department of Theatre is focused on Practical as well as Theoretical aspects of Theatre. We introduce students to different techniques and methods including rigorous training in Acting, Theatre Design and Direction.

Largest Studios

MIT SFT has largest film shooting studio and a dedicated Proscenium Theatre. Besides providing space for students to practice their craft, these spaces also develop MIT SFT’s relationship with the media industry further.

Testing for Perfection

MIT SFT students participate in PIFF [Pune International Film Festival] and top Theatre Festivals every year. This provides an opportunity for students to interact with the practitioners of Cinema and Theatre industry and develop their professional network.

Advanced Options
  1. Still & Digital Cameras, with top-class lenses and accessories.
  2. Mac & PC-based edit systems, equipped with professional software.
  3. Professional Sound Recording and Sound Design equipment.
  4. Proscenium Theatre and Theatre Set and Lights.

Dr. Mukesh Sharma

Dean- School of Film & Theatre, MIT-ADT University

On behalf of all our faculty & staff, I welcome you all to the School of Film & Theatre or as we fondly refer to it as SFT. As dean of SFT, I am very proud of the rich tradition that we have adopted to impart experiential learning of Film Education. Endorsed under the aegis MIT ADT University, our program prepares students to become film makers with the ethical depth and intellectual intensity essential to meet the challenges of a time of critical transition in society.

Any creative school under a university has 4 building blocks.

  • First Building block is knowledge creation. Any Film, media or art school will have teaching professors, professors of practice, research professor, visiting professors and adjunct professors.For us, the foremost important is the research Professor, because without doing any research, an educator is not complete. Today things are changing with lightning speed, so we need to keep abreast with teaching pedagogy. So Learning, Creating and Sharing becomes a part of an educator’s life. Hence knowledge creation is the foremost building block.
  • Second Building Block gives rise to teaching and learning Ecosystem called Assurance of learning. Its Output based education system. We are always measuring our output vis a vis our students so that we can we assure them that whatever we have promised, we are delivering.
  • Third Building Block is making our SFT known and recognize for its academic excellence and to develop it as the most preferred Film & Theatre school for learning.
  • The Fourth Building Block aligns us with our stakeholders viz. parents, recruiters, management, trustees whose expectations we need to fulfill.

Generating Ideas is not a problem. But the lack of know-how as to how to give them shape, is what prevents us from reaching our goal. It’s one’s attachment to the baggage that we carry, that prevents us from giving fruition to our ideas. Here’s where SFT comes into picture. “Our carefully constructed curriculum uses a combination of in – classroom teachings and real-world film making simulations, along with assurance of learning pushes the students to think outside the box.

Change starts with you! Giving yourself permission to push outside expectations, unleashing your curiosity to discover what’s next and imagining a future other can’t yet see.

I would like to cordially invite all of you who are interested in expanding your knowledge and enriching your careers to explore our school further either online or through a visit to our campus.



Best Institute in India

National Award Winner

MIT SFT is one of the few UGC recognized institutions for training in Filmmaking and Theatre Arts in India offering B.Sc. / M.Sc degrees in Filmmaking and B.A. and Ph.D in Dramatics.

Best One


Film & Theatre Education at MIT SFT is structured and mentored by Faculty who are trained professionally in Filmmaking and Drama. The Faculty, besides taking classes and supervising projects, individually mentors each student.

Film & Drama Industry


Film & Theatre education at MIT SFT is supervised by a Board of Studies consisting of film & theatre practicing professionals and educationists. Top industry professionals are invited to conduct workshops in every Specialization all round the year.


Film Festivals

MIT SFT students participate in PIFF [Pune International Film Festival] and other top Theatre Festivals every year. This provides an opportunity for students to interact with the Cinema and Theatre industry and to develop their professional network.


One of the biggest floor

MIT SFT has largest film shooting studio
(360 X 295 X 196 ft.) and a dedicated Raj Kapoor auditorium. Besides providing space for students to practice their craft, here the students also develop MIT SFT’s relationship with the film media stalwarts.

Technical Facilities

World Class Education

MIT SFT is located at Rajbaug, a peaceful working environment in a 130-acre campus on the banks of the river Mula-Mutha, home to the legendary Raj Kapoor. Where most of his iconic films where shot.

Have Any Project in Mind ?

We introduce students to different techniques and methods including rigorous training in Acting, Theatre Design and Direction.